S2 Standard Cartridge together with the quantitative marker makes an excellent Total Solution. The fragment sizes and relatively accurate quantitative results can be obtained in one run. From analyses involved general DNA fragments, NGS Fragmentation and Library Sample to RFLP and CRISPR samples, the use of S2 Standard Cartridge is diverse.
S1 High Resolution Cartridge together with the quantitative marker makes an excellent Total Solution. The fragment sizes and relatively accurate quantitative results can be obtained in one run. The advantages include separating two DNA fragments similar in size and providing highly accurate fragment sizes. With the help of the calculation, not only the total concentration but also the individual fragment concentration can be provided.
N1 High Sensitivity Cartridge together with the quantitative marker makes the qualitative and quantitative analyses of low concentration DNA samples happen simultaneously. Within three minutes, the total concentration and even the individual fragment concentration can be obtained, which is incredible. The applications include cell-free DNA and low concentration fragments. The ideal analysis size range can be slightly different but up to 5,000bp.