Celebration!BiOptic Inc. obtains a new European patent!
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Celebration! BiOptic Inc. obtains a new European patent!
European Invention Certification No. 2609420
The disposable bio-analysis cartridge is a reliable, compact, simplified, removable, portable, interchangeable, reusable, low cost, recyclable and/or disposable pen shaped bioseparation cartridge. It is designed to achieve the various analysis by Qsep Series. BiOptic has launched diverse cartridges for different applications, including SNP genotyping, NGS analysis, quality control of RNA sample, and fluorescence detection of protein.
This invention patent is applied to the country covered 38 countries in Europe. To get this patent is not only an affirming but also the encouragement of BiOptic team.
The BiOptic Inc. R&D team will continue to improve our expertise and develop better products!